
Real Life Issues

Real Life Issues
The reality of existence...

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Diet Plan to Lose Fat And Gain Muscles

Often the diet is associated with hunger. But it should not always be like that. For example, this nutritional plan shows that it is possible to eat healthily without having to hear the whine of the stomach. "The most important thing is to adjust the amounts of each food depending on your weight, height, muscle size and physical activity, but be careful, this does not mean you have to go hungry at all times." explains the nutritionist Álvaro Sánchez.

The goal of this diet, developed by Sánchez at the Medic diet Clinic, is to strengthen muscles and reduce fat. It's about getting a fibrous body without the unpleasant feeling of constantly having an empty stomach. The trick to make him bearable lies in the methodology of exchange on which he is based. This modality gives freedom in food choices as long as they belong to the same nutritional group.

The energy value of this regime is 3,000 calories per day, of which 58% are carbohydrates, 26% fat and 16% proteins. It should be noted that a diet must be adjusted according to the physical characteristics of each individual for it to be effective. "A basic rule is to consume 0.8 grams of protein per day for every kilogram of weight, but this is a guide, for example, a person of about 70 kg who occurs regularly (three or four days a week) should 1 5 grams of protein per kilogram of weight, "says Sánchez. "Ideally, before starting a regimen, you should consult a nutritionist who will assess the specific needs of the person who wants to go on a diet," he says.

Álvaro Sánchez sets guidelines for adapting the nutritional plan he has created to the physical characteristics and exercise he is practicing. "Before you start exercising, you need to take carbohydrates and proteins because they provide the energy needed to develop the activity you are doing, you must avoid taking fats as they can interfere with digestion and cause discomfort during exercise," he says.

In view of this, playing with the order of proposed meals is easy. If you work out at night, you should consume more carbohydrates and protein for dinner than with meals. In contrast, if you exercise early in the day, you should first eat something, even a banana or coffee with honey, to prevent hypoglycaemia (decrease in the amount of blood that can cause dizziness, fatigue and discomfort) headache, among other symptoms).
The nutrition plan is scheduled for a week, but the idea is that it becomes a daily routine. "It's about learning to eat and integrating these habits into our everyday lives, not just at times when we want to follow a specific diet," says Sánchez.

It is also important to know that during the 30 minutes after training, the muscle yield is restored, whose technical name is "metabolic window". This means that all of the nutrients absorbed during this time go directly into the muscle mass. "Therefore, after training, it is necessary to consume a good amount of carbohydrate [cereal or fruit] to help the muscle recover from the wear and tear of exercise." In addition, drinking a sufficient amount of water is of utmost importance. "After training, it's necessary to regain all the fluids the body has lost, and it's best to eat between two and three liters a day, depending on the intensity of your workout," says the nutritionist.

For the results to be satisfactory, the diet can be combined with a training plan that enhances the effect. It can be done four days a week. I encourage you to make this critical decision today and empower yourself with a simple, easy-to-follow, physician-trusted and absolutely proven way to rapidly lose weight. You should also include the African Red Tea in your diet for it is proven by the experts  that it stops hunger cravings and helps to  melt away up to 1 Pound of FAT Every 72 HOURS! Now is the right time to act, click here to proceed.

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