
Real Life Issues

Real Life Issues
The reality of existence...

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Obesity and Overweight : Causes and how to fight against them.

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Overweight and obesity are mainly due to our current lifestyle: unhealthy diet, too much stress and too little exercise. But heredity also plays a role in obesity.

The causes of overweight and obesity are manifold. An important factor is the wrong diet: Too much fast food and sweets, in general, is a too high fat content in the diet. This is accompanied by a pronounced lack of physical activity, for example, when there is no compensatory sport for sedentary occupational activity. But psychological causes are also significant because many people eat out of frustration or stress.

Studies on twins show that genetic factors also play a role. But even if the tendency to overweight in the genes is created, these innate factors are never the sole reason for the body fullness. Another cause of an eating disorder can be the side effect of a drug. Some antidiabetics, neuroleptics and antidepressants can increase appetite, leading to increased food intake. Certain hormonal factors, such as hypothyroidism, are also a cause of body fat.

If you want to lose weight, you should drive in multiple tracks and pay attention to the following factors:

1. Change diet
The beginning of treatment is always the analysis of dietary habits. It works best with the help of an Esstagbuches. Accompanying counseling is important to find alternative foods with fewer calories.

2. Exercise
To lose weight, exercise three to five times a week - for 30 to 45 minutes each. The long-term goal is at least 30 minutes daily. At the same time, you must try to integrate more everyday activities like "climbing stairs instead of lifts" into your life.

3. Reduce stress
Take daily breaks in everyday life and take specific time for relaxation - this is important to reduce stress in the long term. For example, autogenic training is easy to learn.

4. Change setting
With strong food addiction, a behavioral therapy can be useful. Otherwise, it is enough if you give yourself more mindfulness. Above all, this means learning to know your own behavioral mechanisms in order to be able to change them if necessary.

5. Medicines may change
Anyone who regularly takes medication and suffers from obesity should talk to the doctor about whether there may be better tolerated means.

6. Shrink stomach
A gastric reduction is only suitable for patients whose body mass index is over 40kg / m2. Surgical intervention should always be the means of last resort, because every surgery carries risks. Before gastric reduction there are many other ways to lose weight in a conservative manner. Find more solutions here.

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