
Real Life Issues

Real Life Issues
The reality of existence...

Tuesday, February 12, 2019



There are several ways to reduce your weight. But important is the will and discipline. Anyone who is not convinced that they want to reduce their weight will fail, regardless of the diet they have tried. Be prepared in principle.

There are often experiences on the scales that make you want to change something. There are many diets, tablets and medications that promise incredible weight loss. But what really helps, that not only be healthy, but also reduce your weight successfully?

First, a change in the diet. Diets are useful, but they have the disadvantage that old habits and dietary patterns appear after the diet. Finally, the eating habits that finally led to starting a diet. Those who eat both after the diet and before the diet gain weight in a very short time.

One thing should not be forgotten: if you lose about 15 kilograms (or only 5 kilograms), you will have a different energy requirement. Therefore, if you take the same energy intake as your initial weight after the diet, you will gain weight again. This scenario is also known by the term "yo-yo effect".

Experts advise losing one kilogram per week. That sounds little at first, but it is feasible. Finally, at the beginning of the change in diet or diet, the body decreases relatively strongly. For example, five to six kilograms are possible in 14 days. This is mainly because the body loses water first.

Basically, it applies to a longer diet or a change in diet: not permanently on the scales. The perfect control is the clothes. Are there motivational pants that have not been sitting properly for years? Then you should orient yourself.

Losing weight in society (or with your partner) helps. If you have a partner on your side who also wants to lose weight, you should plan a diet change together or a diet that will help both.

Only mutual motivation and mutual respect of discipline really help. Another possibility: forums or chats in which like-minded people have the same problem. Again, you can motivate yourself daily and get tips and tricks. And you must also initiate your friends or family. After all, mom cooks well, but during dieting one should refrain from eating different foods, others prefer.

A diet or diet usually begins with the reduction of carbohydrates. French fries, rice, lemonade or white bread like rolls are taboo. On the other hand, it is important to consume more fruits and vegetables and proteins. Protein, in the form of beef, has the positive effect that not only is it low in calories, but it is also durable.
The trick: carbohydrates are converted into energy (sugar): the body consumes less energy than it consumes, sugar is in reserves (fat). However, if you ensure that the body receives almost no energy from carbohydrates and consumes more energy than you consume, your body draws on its stores of fat. And the weight loss begins ...

Do sport regularly. To lose weight, a combination of resistance and strength training is recommended. Good for running, walking or swimming. Through exercise, you lose calories and the skin is toned.
Bring movement to everyday life. Use the stairs instead of the elevator or leave the car in the garage and take the bicycle or walk instead.
Small plates are lost in large plates: if you use small plates instead and chew food and eat slowly about 30 times, our body has the feeling of having eaten a lot, even if it is only half of the portions.
Avoid distractions such as watching television during a meal.
Drinking is not only healthy, it also helps reduce hunger. It is better to use mineral or tap water, diluted fruit juices or teas without sugar.
Keep a nutritional record: write what you eat and when you eat every day, and see why you eat: from hunger, boredom, habit or frustration?
Prefer whole grains. As a result, blood sugar levels do not go down as fast as with white flour products, so you feel fuller after a meal. They also contain valuable minerals and vitamins.
Eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily. This flavor is delicious, contains few calories, but also contains valuable vitamins and minerals.
There are no prohibitions! To avoid cravings, all meals should be allowed in moderation.

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