
Real Life Issues

Real Life Issues
The reality of existence...

Friday, October 26, 2018

The Truth Hidden About Cardio - How your daily routine of bowel obstruction prevents weight loss and can push you closer to death!

What is the first thing that someone thinks or says when the idea of ​​losing weight arises?
You have to beat the tape, the stationary bike or the streets and burn those calories!
On the surface that makes sense, right? After all, you do a lot of work and sweat and breathing hard. Running a few kilometers every day has to dissolve these unsightly LB's.
crazy right! Would you be surprised to know that this is really wrong?

No, I'm not crazy, let me fix this for you ...
Yes, cardio burns calories, it's true. And yes, a little cardio is good for you. Light Cardio promotes a healthy heart and increase your resistance. On the other hand, however ... heavy cardio actually starts to have opposite effects. 

Before I get to the end, let me give you a simple example of common sense. Imagine a prehistoric man.
These men and women run through the Paleolithic and hunt antelopes, red deer, aurox, bison and occasionally woolly mammoth. Most of their diet comes from animal proteins and from what edible plants they can fetch.
Well, if the cardiovascular exercises were so big to lose weight, these people would simply starve to death while running lowering your food. All cardio would burn faster through their energy reserves than they could replace them. But they did not starve ... why?

On the one hand, a lot of heavy cardio is hard on the knees and feet. Second, it is also difficult for the heart. Too much heart actually starts adding scar tissue to your heart, which increases your heart attack rate.We did not know that for a long time, until many scientific studies were done on this subject. 

As for weight loss, excessive cardio actually has the opposite effect and here's the reason. Our bodies are genetically designed to survive. The task of our body is to store energy as fuel for immediate use and for human beings, in the form of fat for times when food is scarce. In modern times, of course, food is not really scarce, so this built-in security feature is rarely necessary.

But if you deprive your body of the nutrients it needs, either starving yourself of some crazy diet or saturating your body with a lot of cardio, it begins to change to survival mode.
In addition, and unfortunately with severe cardio, your body will also become anabolic.
This means that it first burns the most effective source of energy, and that's not fat ... it's yours
muscle. Take a look at some of these chronic long distance runners who participate in competitions. Many of them are fibrous and need to pack carbohydrates just to get their muscle mass.

You want your body to burn fat, not muscle, obviously. It's not really about calories, so many diets and the so-called fitness gurus try to make you believe. Calories are just a means to measure the energy of food. Yes, if you want to lose weight, you need to consume fewer calories than you consume, but there are many more about that.

The biggest secret to losing weight is not running 10 miles every day, starving yourself or even avoiding some of your favorite carbohydrates, believe it or not. In fact, if you're going to lose weight, truly, it is imperative that you eat some of your favorite foods!

I know that sounds crazy too, but it's absolutely true, and I can prove it to you! If you know how to
use your body's natural processes to your advantage, it is very possible to lose 10, 20 or even more than 30 pounds in a single month without hunger, intestinal cardiovascular training, ridiculous training and feeding everything disgusting! It's true and I can show you the science to prove it!
Do you want to know more about how to instantly drop some stubborn LB's? Then click on this link and I'll show you a video that explains how and shows the science backed by independent clinical trials to prove it.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Obesity and Overweight : Causes and how to fight against them.

Image result for obesity pictures

Overweight and obesity are mainly due to our current lifestyle: unhealthy diet, too much stress and too little exercise. But heredity also plays a role in obesity.

The causes of overweight and obesity are manifold. An important factor is the wrong diet: Too much fast food and sweets, in general, is a too high fat content in the diet. This is accompanied by a pronounced lack of physical activity, for example, when there is no compensatory sport for sedentary occupational activity. But psychological causes are also significant because many people eat out of frustration or stress.

Studies on twins show that genetic factors also play a role. But even if the tendency to overweight in the genes is created, these innate factors are never the sole reason for the body fullness. Another cause of an eating disorder can be the side effect of a drug. Some antidiabetics, neuroleptics and antidepressants can increase appetite, leading to increased food intake. Certain hormonal factors, such as hypothyroidism, are also a cause of body fat.

If you want to lose weight, you should drive in multiple tracks and pay attention to the following factors:

1. Change diet
The beginning of treatment is always the analysis of dietary habits. It works best with the help of an Esstagbuches. Accompanying counseling is important to find alternative foods with fewer calories.

2. Exercise
To lose weight, exercise three to five times a week - for 30 to 45 minutes each. The long-term goal is at least 30 minutes daily. At the same time, you must try to integrate more everyday activities like "climbing stairs instead of lifts" into your life.

3. Reduce stress
Take daily breaks in everyday life and take specific time for relaxation - this is important to reduce stress in the long term. For example, autogenic training is easy to learn.

4. Change setting
With strong food addiction, a behavioral therapy can be useful. Otherwise, it is enough if you give yourself more mindfulness. Above all, this means learning to know your own behavioral mechanisms in order to be able to change them if necessary.

5. Medicines may change
Anyone who regularly takes medication and suffers from obesity should talk to the doctor about whether there may be better tolerated means.

6. Shrink stomach
A gastric reduction is only suitable for patients whose body mass index is over 40kg / m2. Surgical intervention should always be the means of last resort, because every surgery carries risks. Before gastric reduction there are many other ways to lose weight in a conservative manner. Find more solutions here.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Basic Tips to Overcome Belly Fat

Belly fat is considered to be particularly unhealthy because it can increase blood pressure and blood sugar levels and negatively affect blood lipid levels. You can not lose targeted belly fat, but with a few rules and ways of life you can at least counteract it and live healthier lives.
Furthermore, a big belly is like a dangerous landfill. Belly fat cells are different from other fat cells. They are like an inflammatory landfill. This releases too many immune messengers - causing inflammation and wear. The blood pressure increases, in the worst case, a type 2 diabetes can develop. In men, the ability to procreate decreases. Starting at 4.7 kilograms of belly fat, only five percent of the sperm are vital. Precisely because the abdominal fat cells function differently than the subcutaneous fat cells, those who are willing to lose weight have to take a different approach to slimming on the abdomen. The below are the basic tips that can help to checkmate belly fat.

Have breakfast
Many people like to miss the morning meal. The breakfast is extremely important for the body. Start your day with a cup of coffee or green tea, a yogurt with cereal and fresh fruit or a whole grain bread. Very comfortable are also finished breakfast boxes, which are delivered to your home. The varied combination of protein muesli, porridge, seeds and protein bread provides high-quality proteins, complex carbohydrates and many valuable fibers.

Eat less fat
To deal with the belly fat, you should pay attention to your fat intake. Eat stewed vegetables or cooked instead of fried foods. Fast food should also be taboo because that is often the trigger for an increased BMI or overweight. Look for high-quality oils such as olive, canola or linseed oil and prepare your meals primarily with these variants.

Not all fats are bad
There are also healthy fats that can be obese without conscience - of course, in moderation - feed. The fatty acids in, for example, avocados, walnuts or olive oil are of particular nutritional value and contribute to long-lasting satiety. Annoying cravings can be avoided - and the adipocytes are dealt with.

Sugar is unhealthy
Even products with a particularly high sugar content should be avoided if the belly circumference is too large because the sugar from candy & Co. gets into the blood very quickly. The result: the blood sugar level rises. To compensate for this, the body produces insulin, because the hormone lowers blood sugar. However, high insulin levels in the blood cause the body to store a lot of fat.

Avoid too much alcohol
Alcohol contains hidden calories. Drink cocktails, beer, sparkling wine and wine only in moderation or do without it completely. According to the study, women also get a beer belly faster than men - and so become the apple type.

Sleep well
It is not without reason that people continue to preach how important sleep is for our health. So try to sleep well. Recommended are between seven and nine hours. It is also advisable to go to bed at the same time every night and get up at the same time in the morning. Power napping can sometimes help, because those who are tired, like to use sugar and fat products.

Exercise and sports are the nuts and bolts if you want to do something against belly fat. Arrange with friends instead of drinking coffee but rather for endurance training such as walking, jogging or swimming and plan regular abdominal exercises in your sports program. Motivating each other can help to exercise and exercise regularly.

Coke, lemonade and Co. are taboo
An important tip of many nutritionists is: "calories you do not drink". Do not use fruit juices and soft drinks as they contain a lot of sugar and make good calories. This way, the daily calorie requirement is reached faster than you think. Better to eat calories in the form of healthy foods and drink water or unsweetened herbal teas to pay attention to your body's fat distribution.

Drink a lot
You can and should drink plenty of water and unsweetened herbal teas without feeling guilty. Try to drink 1.5-2 liters per day, unless medically speaking. If you want to try it entirely without food, you can also fast to detoxify or lose weight.

Avoid white bread
White bread contains mainly easily digestible sugars and less fiber than dark wholemeal bread. Fiber is important and good for our body. They make the blood sugar level rise only slowly - we are thus full for longer. Instead of eating Nutella toast with butter, you should prefer to eat whole wheat bread with cream cheese and lean turkey breast.

Document your meals
Sometimes it can help to keep some kind of food diary. Write down exactly what you eat throughout the day. This way, calorie bombs and nasty sugar traps can be detected better. Even unconscious snooping at work or in the evening in front of the television becomes more apparent. This is a call to action for any fellow looking forward to getting rid of belly fat, hence following the above tips with strict approach yield the desired result.

Finally, I am ready for YOU to finally get the flat belly and slim body you've been dreaming of (and which you DESERVE) without ever feeling like you’re “dieting” and without ever even stepping foot in a gym…
When you enroll in the program, I’ll give you immediate access to my secret “Fat Burning Tea” recipe…
You’ll learn the EXACT ratio of spices, tea, and other ingredients designed to massively boost your metabolism and turn your body into a white-fat destroying machine…
And, you know what?
Honestly, JUST giving you the TEA recipe would probably be enough to change your life forever…
(I mean, if you can’t even make yourself drink a cup of tea every morning I don’t think ANYBODY could help you lose weight.)
But because I've dedicated my life to SERVING my fellow man and because I was raised to always OVER DELIVER I’m going to give you A LOT more than that…
In “The 21 Day Flat Belly Fix” program you’ll learn…
How to elevate your levels of “The Master Fat Burning Hormone” by 1300% in women and 2000% in men so your body becomes a raging fat-burning furnace every night… burning away unwanted fat while you sleep without even having to set FOOT in a gym… Click here to get the full program now!

Monday, October 1, 2018


You want to win back your ex-partner? Then start today to overcome your lovesickness, be irresistibly attractive to your partner, and undo your separation step by step!
Relationship crises and separations are unfortunately very common nowadays and in some ways "normal". In particular, they often plunge the Forsaken into a crisis and cause a strong emotional pain.

The good news is:
Almost always it is worth fighting for the lost love because very often a relationship can be saved and the separation reversed, even if it does not look like it! There are lots of instant tips below to guide you.

Reflect yourself before conquering your ex!
Practice Tip: Maybe you betrayed your partner. Then ask yourself why and what you missed in the relationship. Also, think about how you can avoid infidelity in the future.
Maybe you are very jealous and your partner just could not stand it anymore. In that case, you should urgently do something about your jealousy.
Maybe there was just too much arguing and you often hurt each other. Think about what your share in the quarrels was and how you can prevent a destructive quarrel if you come back together.
Also, consider what compromises you might make to make a second attempt with your ex-partner work better. It just does not make sense to want the ex and not have any solution to the old relationship problems.

If you want your ex back, you need to rebuild trust!
Practice Tip: If you have had contact again a few times, you should address your mistakes and the conflicts in your relationship.
Take the jealousy example again: you should tell your ex that you have realized how stressful your jealousy must have been for him/her and that you are very sorry. More importantly, you're actually solving your jealousy problem. You should tell your ex-partner comprehensibly and honestly how you are doing this and if you are making progress.
Whatever your problem was, it's very important that your ex's notice that you've reflected your mistakes and are seriously willing to change anything for your part. Through actions and not just words. This will allow your ex to regain your confidence in you and provide you with a relationship perspective.

10 important ex back tips at a glance:
In summary here are the ten most important ex back tips again at a glance:
1. Keep your dignity and do not run after your ex-partner.
2. Temporarily suspend contact with the ex or
3. Process the separation and master your lovesickness.
4. Work on your self-confidence
5. Analyze the causes of separation and learn lessons from it.
6. Make sure that you are attractive again to your ex-partner.
7. Slowly and continuously build new confidence in your ex-partner.
8. Do not immediately confront your ex with your desire for a relationship if he/she signals interest in you again. Let it approach calmly and unobtrusively.
9. Find solutions to the conflicts and problems that led to the separation.
10. Be prepared, you probably only have this second chance. Only reading tips alone will not be enough to win back your ex.

If these above ten tips are gotten right, be rest assured you have won your ex back. Try this approach for a quick result!